Our story...

Our story begins over 30 years ago...I (Barbara) was attending a local University studying commercial art and photography. I loved developing film and creating art from anything around me. Then it happened...I met the man of my dreams and I quit school and got married. Shortly after we got married, my house got robbed and they stole my very nice, very expensive camera that my precious parents bought me. Being a newlywed, I could not afford to replace it, so for the next 20 years, I immersed myself in being a mommy to the two most wonderful children on earth. My dreams of photography were put on the back burner. Life got busy with Erica and Cameron .So I took my little point and shoot and  I literally took thousands and thousands of snapshots of them. From school functions, to sports, birthdays and breathing..(lol)
My husband and parents always encouraged me, telling me there is nothing that I couldn't do if I decided that I wanted to..so I started to scrapbook the photos that I took of my children. I would sit up late at night when they went to bed and draw silly little pictures in photo albums to go along with whatever I happened to be working on that night. I made a set of albums for each child, so that they would always have their memories. (back then, there was no such thing as scrapbooking).
Soon they grew up and went off to college, leaving me with no one to dote on or feel like they just couldn't live without me. Erica went to Belmont to sing (she sings opera in 5 languages!) And Cameron went to Freed Hardeman for Social Work (he now works for DCS and is a youth minister).
At 20 years old, Erica got married and a year later, gave me the best gift I have ever received..MY PRESLEY! Just writing this makes me tear up, and for those of you who know me, know she is the light of my life. Just the sound of her voice makes me the happiest person in the world! God was so great to bless me with that curly haired angel.
My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer before Erica was married.  When we found out that she was pregnant, he struggled to live to make sure that he could see the baby. My parents are the most Godly and giving people in the world and they prayed together often. Even when my dad was so sick, that he didn't know what was really going on, he prayed for Presley. He couldn't walk and he envisioned taking her for rides on his little scooter. My mom's love for my dad was and still is amazing. She took such good care of him, that he WAS against all odds, able to meet Presley. The first time he ever saw her, he named her "Thumbelina" because she was so small. He would hold her and sing her the Thumbelina song.
When Presley was born, I decided that I had a new hobby, taking pictures of her! So my mom and dad bought me a wonderful Canon camera and off we went! We started taking pictures of Presley and soon, we got so many phone calls asking if we could photograph their children...we said YES! 
So began "Thumbelinas Photography". My dad passed away soon after Presley was born and we couldn't think of a better name for our company. As time went on, we discovered that our name wasn't exactly thrilling to older high school males, so in order to keep our business named after my sweet daddy, we became CHAPMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHY!

We look forward to working with you!

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